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Women In Business at UC San Diego, “Unknown to Unforgettable: How to Launch Your Facebook Live Show”

Did you know that Facebook live videos capture viewers’ attention 3x longer than regular videos?

One of the most important social media engagement metrics is time. 

And with Facebook’s two billion users spending more time watching live video, imagine how much exposure you can tap into with live video. 

The recent explosion of live streaming has led to billions of people having a mobile television studio within arm’s reach. And if you understand how to harness the potential of live video, you can completely change the way you do business. But if you don’t, you or your business can become irrelevant, especially to the next generation of consumers. 

This session will show you how to turn your ideas, skills, and experience into a captivating live show to reach today’s savvy audiences. 

Finally, everything you’ve ever wanted to learn about live streaming is within reach. 

November 14

American Marketing Association Orange County, “Power of Rapport”

January 20

Yes or Yes Academy, “Power of Rapport”